Sunday, January 13, 2013

Are i. Fairy contact lenses good?

So first off, I'm 13. I really want i. Fairy lenses, and I know how to take care of contacts and maintain them and all the stuff you should and shouldn't do with them because I've been wearing contacts ever since I was about 8. I want to get these ones ( ).My mom doesn't believe that i. Fairy is a trusted brand and she won't let me purchase them off the internet. I need some info about them and how they are trustable. I know they are trustable, but she doesn't believe me. I did some research about i. Fairy and they have really no bad ratings or issues. She is sort of… overprotective and wants me to have the best, and go to my eye doctor for their lenses, but they look bad, and I really want circle lenses. I only need proof, not people saying that I'm too young to get these or whatever. If the link doesn't work, go to and search Super Crystal and click the blue ones by I. Fairy.
>>> Are i. Fairy contact lenses good?