Friday, August 4, 2017

Is this an unethical sales tactic?

so I'm selling a lens. I asked it as $450 and had two people contact me. There names are lets say, Bob and Steve. Bob messaged me first, saying he d like to come and have a look on Monday, which worked for me. Very shortly after, Steve messaged me as well saying he was willing to pay the full $450 and would like to look on Sunday. That also worked for me. I decided that I would let them both look, if they both saw it, decided they liked it and were willing to pay he full $450, the lens goes to Bob as he is first in line. However, if they both look and Steve is willing to pay $450, but Bob is only willing to pay, say $350, it's in my best interest to sell it to Steve instead as he is offering more. I told Bob that I had another buyer interested, but he was first in line, unless Steve offers more, which Bob was very upset over and said it was an unethical sales tactic. I do see where he is coming from, but is it not just a standard thing in sales to go with the higher offer? Is this actually so unbelievable and unethical of me?

Read more: Is this an unethical sales tactic?

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Sharingan contacts for astigmatism?

I'm trying to cosplay as Kakashi Hatake and I have everything BUT the contacts. I have found websites that have it without prescription and with but I need toric lenses because I have a bad astigmatism. I would really like to have the contacts with my prescription so that way I don't have to wear my glasses but if I must wear my glasses then it's fine.
If anyone has had any luck finding some please tell me!

Read more: Sharingan contacts for astigmatism?

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Does Biotrue contact solution sting and burn?

I've been using Opti-free puremoist ever since I got my contacts but my eye doctor also recommended Biotrue and said it has less chemicals. I just got a whole bottle of it, but a some people are saying it burns and Opti-free is a lot better. I have sensitive eyes so will it be good for that?

Read more: Does Biotrue contact solution sting and burn?

How many hours maximum can daily lenses last in your eyes?

How many hours maximum can daily lenses last in your eyes? - 1

Read more: How many hours maximum can daily lenses last in your eyes?

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Can I be legally blind (un corrected) in my left eye and still be a cop?

I know at least some departments have vision standards. I was born with a cataract and the lens was removed, so without my contact lens in my left eye, I'm legally blind and not sure I even cut 20/100 vision without it in. With it, I'm probably close to 20/20. My right eye is completely perfect on the other hand with no issues.

Read more: Can I be legally blind (un corrected) in my left eye and still be a cop?

Monday, July 31, 2017

Do i need immediate medical attention to a corneal under? And can i wear makeup or contacts while having one?

today i noticed a tiny white circle on my iris in my right eye and did some research and found out it was a corneal ulcer. I'm leaving in two days for vacation and i'm afraid i won't be able to get an appointment with my eye doctor. Do i need immediate attention? Or can it wait about a week later (when i get back from vacation? And will i be able to wear makeup and my contact lenses?

Read more: Do i need immediate medical attention to a corneal under? And can i wear makeup or contacts while having one?

I wore a contact lens that came into contact with tapwater?

So yesterday I dropped my daily Acuvue contact lens into my wet bathroom sink but I didn't wash it in the solution cos I assumed tapwater is clean. I And I actually went ahead to put it in my eye and wore it for like 3 hours. I'm a new contacts wearer. Today I literally JUST found out that you could get infected with parasites from tapwater and the lady from the eyeshop DID NOT mention anything about tapwater. She just said my hands should be clean.

Am I a goner now? What should I do? Can doctors detect early infection? I'm crying so bad, please help me.

Read more: I wore a contact lens that came into contact with tapwater?