Saturday, March 11, 2017

Is it okay to wear someone else's UNUSED contact lens for one day?

My right contact lens ripped today, so I wore my glasses. Tomorrow I'm going canoeing and would really like to be able to see! (and swim, and not lose my glasses!) But I couldn't pick up my new contacts today because they're closed, and tomorrow open 10:00-7:00, but I'm leaving at 9:30!

SO I was thinking that I could borrow one of my brother's unused contacts for my right eye, for tomorrow only.

I realize that we have different prescriptions, but it's the only thing I can think of! Any advice from an optometrist or someone who knows something about eyes?!

Read more: Is it okay to wear someone else's UNUSED contact lens for one day?

How long will it take to adjust to toric eyeglasses?

I have toric contacts, which I wear without a problem. I have been wearing new glasses with toric lenses for 3 days and still feel uncomfortable. It feels like one eye is lagging behind and takes another second to focus. Why is this different than my contacts?

Read more: How long will it take to adjust to toric eyeglasses?

Friday, March 10, 2017

Can you wear contact lenses on a plane?

I've seen people wear glasses on a flight (this is YouTube figures) when they don't normally wear them. Is this a case of a situation where you shouldn't wear contact lenses so that's why they're wearing their glasses?

Read more: Can you wear contact lenses on a plane?

Are my eyes ok after falling asleep with my contact lenses on?

The doctor told me I'm not supposed to fall asleep with them on, they are for daily use only. I didn't mean to but I dozed off and fell asleep for about 30 minutes with them in. Can this have any affect on my eyes?

Read more: Are my eyes ok after falling asleep with my contact lenses on?

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

What can I pack and what can I not pack in my luggage?

So I'm going abroad in the last week of June for a month, and I'm not a regular Flyer so have no idea what's going to happen. What can I take in my carry on luggage and what can I not take? Is
it okay to have my make up and contact lens solutuon and case in their because I'm having a transit for 12 hours in Doha, Qatar. Also what can i not take in my suitcase? I hear they throw things away without telling you if your not allowed them?
Btw I'm planning on taking a maxi dress, make up, tooth brush/paste, chewing gum, sweets, contact lens, set sunscreen, shades, purse and phone and charger in my carry on luggage. Is that enough or too much? Thank you in advance:)

Read more: What can I pack and what can I not pack in my luggage?

Anyone use acuvue 1-day moist contact lenses?

How did they go for you? Ive been using them and they r not really comfy and they keep sliding out of place! :O my opticians shocked lmao! Happened 2 ne1 else?

Read more: Anyone use acuvue 1-day moist contact lenses?

Monday, March 6, 2017

What's the color? (contact lenses)?

If you guys know ur stuff about contact lenses, what color would you describe these as?

This is another picture…

&w=180&h=193&ei=uBnhT_elMuKh2QWZgf3uCw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=582&vpy=474&dur=1494&hovh=154&hovw=144&tx=115&ty=81&sig=110365227166022625819&page=1&tbnh=142&tbnw=127&start=0&ndsp=32&ved=1t:429, r:18, s:0, i:125

I know they're not grey, they're kind of green. But I want to get contact lenses somewhat of this color, so should I just take this picture to show them what I exactly want?

Read more: What's the color? (contact lenses)?

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Prescription for eyes: what do the numbers mean!

Hello, I am looking into joining the army. I was told that Spectacle or contact lens corrections must not be greater then -7 dioptres or +8 dioptres in any meridian.

My prescription says next to the Distance column (long sight)
Right: sph -0.50 Cyl -0.25 axis 100.0
Left: -0.75

are the numbers representative of the dioptres?

The near sightedness is all fine and so no numbers written in, the prescription is only slight correction for my long sight.

Read more: Prescription for eyes: what do the numbers mean!