Saturday, January 16, 2016

Feel like I've overstrained my right eye - what to do please?

category: optical.
Added (1). I'm studying so tried to study more than my eye wanted and it felt very tight and painful so I stopped.

Have I damaged it and how can I prevent damage? I have taken my right contact lens out.
Added (2). PS how do I prevent this overstraining happening again while studying please?

I would greatly appreciate any help and will pick a best answer. Thank you very much:).

Read more: Feel like I've overstrained my right eye - what to do please?

How to fix astigmatism?

Okay so I have a astigmatism in my right eye. It is smaller than my left eye. And when people look at the right side of my face. It starts twitching because I can tell people notice it. If I wear corrective lenses will it fix this?

Read more: How to fix astigmatism?

Is it okay to wear your disposable contacts in pool water?

Is it okay to wear your disposable contacts in pool water?

Read more: Is it okay to wear your disposable contacts in pool water?

Should I Get Really Big Glasses?

I've always thought they are really cute… :) Right now, my lenses are 1 and a quarter inch tall each. I really want BIG ones. Like the picture of my habboon! (Add me at Moshu on Should I Get Really Big Glasses

Read more: Should I Get Really Big Glasses?

How much are Acuvue contact lenses?

How much are the colored acuvue contact lenses

Read more: How much are Acuvue contact lenses?

Whats better wearing glasses or wearing contact lenses?

BQ-How long do i have to wear contact lenses

Read more: Whats better wearing glasses or wearing contact lenses?

Should I be concerned and should j stop using contact lenses?

This is the only blood vessel I've only ever seen pop up on my eye, nothing else. Should I be worried that my contacts are destroying my eyes or is it just something I should be careful with in the future? Sorry for the poor photo, that's the best I could do:( it's on the right hand Should I be concerned and should j stop using contact lenses

Read more: Should I be concerned and should j stop using contact lenses?

Friday, January 15, 2016

Is there such thing as sunglasses in the former of contact lenses?

Instead of wearing sunnies all day you only have to put on contact lenses. Have they invented these and what's the price range?

Read more: Is there such thing as sunglasses in the former of contact lenses?

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Do I have an excuse why I am lazy/depressed?

I had it hard at every phase of my life,to the point im in mor depression. I cant find motivation to work nor go to school and be social. I have always been rejected and an outcast. At age 4 I was sen as a crazy kid who always need therapy and influenced by my schizo dad. Aftr age 4 I lost my mom (due to my dad murdering her) and move in with my grandma who was more strict. She was always verably abusive because I had a lazy eye and was clumsy.
I began going to elentry and became laughing stock due to my height,lazy eye and extra one-eye thick lens glasses(ik funny). I was always caled ******** and choose to ignore, but was hurting inside.y grandma never let me due nor go anywhere due to fear and i became extremly introverted while i ws an alredy outcast. The first year of milddle school I was bullied, haviing demonic encounters and suicidal and seen as crazy bc I always look angry even at church. Id wy through 6th grade I developed a extreme body odor that also made me an outcast and hated. By 7th grade i went through eye surgery and everything was better, but I was the worse dresser in school and was stinky developing low self esteem even more. By high school I was still stank and diagnosed and made fun of for being mentally retarded. This led me further int depression and I reteated to my bed and sleep all day like in middle school. Later,l I went to college(called stank, retarded)and was used by a guy that made college even harder. I feel as if i should get over it and
Added (1). live but its not that easy with a granda who seek to keep you down in everyway and no job. My hair is always a mess and I wear hats everuday and my cllothes are still rather sad. Im trying to move forward and not excuses, but I a holding yself back for a husband (bc i feel worthless) and no one helpsme out bc Im strong and never show my pain. This make people hurt me more, because they think I dont know and I m even further depresse. Im 20 btw and no job, so this is a tragedy for me as I feel
Added (2). like am at a cross road in life, but stuck without job, anywho do I have a reason to be depressed or should I move on? If so how?
Added (3). ronald- no you are to hide behind a screen and make nonsensical coments
Added (4). yes,im aware that my grammar and spelling is off. My ole stupid keyboard is to blame

Read more: Do I have an excuse why I am lazy/depressed?

Why do my eyes water and burn when I lay down?

I do use a computer a lot (I'm a college student), but this issue predates my heavy computer usage. I also know I have dry eyes, but it gets so much worse when I lay down. Normally, my eyes will water intermittently throughout the day (but they don't burn), and my optometrist has tried everything. At this point it's just something I have to learn to deal with. Wearing my contact lenses has helped a bit during the day, but at night I take them out (obviously). Often, I'll be laying in bed, either reading or talking on the phone or doing homework, wearing my glasses, and my eyes will start to water uncontrollably. It gets to the point where I have to use a towel to wipe my eyes, because a tissue would tear with all the liquid. It also burns terribly. It only subsides when I take my glasses off and go to sleep, when my eyes are closed. I don't know what to do about this issue, and my optometrist has been no help. I know it has to be something other than just dry eyes, because it's nothing like the issues I have during the day. And I spend a lot of time on the computer, not just in the evenings, but even if I'm in a dark room sitting in a chair at the computer I don't have this problem. It only happens when I'm laying down.

Read more: Why do my eyes water and burn when I lay down?

Contact Lenses for Recreational Purposes?


I am looking for green contact lenses to mix it up. At the moment, i have brown eyes and want to try something new.
I am looking for a pair of green contact lenses (no prescription as 20/20 vision). However, i want a pair that i can leave it my eye for a while perhaps a week, months or years

Many Thanks

Read more: Contact Lenses for Recreational Purposes?

Is my optician just trying to sell me an extra pair of glasses?

My prescription increased from -1 and -1.50 to -2.25 and -2.50. I was told that I need correction all the time now. I want to get contacts but my optician insists that I have a backup pair of glasses. I don't want to spend the money if I'm going to be wearing lenses all the time. Is she right?

Read more: Is my optician just trying to sell me an extra pair of glasses?

Contact lenses degrees? - 1

hey guys, i bought contact lenses for both my eyes at 150 degrees, however one side of my eye is 125 while the other is 150, is it fine using it for a month and then going back to my spectacles?

Read more: Contact lenses degrees? - 1

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Multifocal contact lenses/glasses?

I am very near sighted, I can read fine print up close and have a very high eye glass/contact lense prescription. When I wear glasses or contact lenses though, i can't read fine print up close anymore, it gets really blurry. Could multifocal or bifocal lenses correct this problem with me having such a high prescription?

Read more: Multifocal contact lenses/glasses?

Can misfitted soft contacts cause damage to one's eyes?

I'm looking into buying decoratime non-prescription contacts lenses. I'might wondering if soft lenses pose any threat when improperly fitted. I know how to sterilize them, so i'my not worried about that.

Read more: Can misfitted soft contacts cause damage to one's eyes?

How to photoshop water drops out of the eye?

Anyone know how? Do i get a water drop overlay and screen it over? How to photoshop water drops out of the eye

Read more: How to photoshop water drops out of the eye?

How to remove protein deposits for gas permeable contact lens?

How to remove protein deposits for gas permeable contact lens?

Read more: How to remove protein deposits for gas permeable contact lens?

I was caught shoplifting at a store in the mall, can I go back?

I don't steal anymore, I want to actually buy something. It's been a little less than a year. They didn't say I was banned, but did take pictures of me and the merchandise. They prosecuted me and I completed the program I was supposed to finish. I look a little different now, a new haircolor and I was wearing colored circle lenses (contacts that make ypur eyes appear larger) when they caught me. Would I be able to atleast shop in other stores? Would they throw me out or send me to jail?

Read more: I was caught shoplifting at a store in the mall, can I go back?

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

What websites is the best for cosplay contact lenses?

Is buying contact lenses for 25 dollars okay or its best to order from a site that has prescribtion details

Read more: What websites is the best for cosplay contact lenses?

Do my glasses look about right for a prescription of -10?

I told one of my friends that my prescription is -10 but she said my glasses aren't thick enough to be that prescription. I'm pretty sure that I am a -10 in both eyes. Do my lenses look that strong?

Read more: Do my glasses look about right for a prescription of -10?

Monday, January 11, 2016

I think my contact lens is stuck in my eye?

I tried taking it out a few hours ago but it slipped into my eye and i lost it, i figured it would just pop out but it hasn't. I've tried flushing my eye with saline solution but it hasn't worked and I've tried fishing it out, but it's not working either. What should I do? And is it alright if i sleep with it in or will it cause an eye infection?

Read more: I think my contact lens is stuck in my eye?

Are contact lenses really safe for long term use?

Asked my optometrist if I could switch to contacts (power= -5.25).
After an extended (half an hour long) series of tests on my eyes using some (what looked like) high-tech machines, she okay'd me for contacts, and offered me various choices.

I picked a brown, yearly-disposable pair of lenses (B&L).
She advised monthly disposables are better, but the overall cost increased, hence i asked for the yearly ones.
I am now wearing them, and my sight seems to be great - better than it ever was with spectacles.

But i just did a couple of google searches, and looks like contact lenses can cause permanent (irreversible) changes in your eyes.

Is this true? I went to a qualified optometrist, and she must be aware of this. Then why did she allow me to purchase contacts? Just because I ask for something doesn't mean the doctor will give it to me. I can't go to a doctor and ask for a morphine shot!
Added (1). By long term, i mean longer than 5 years

Read more: Are contact lenses really safe for long term use?

How to get contact lenses only for playing hockey?

I like wearing glasses but I can't wear them in hockey. I want contact lenses only for hockey practice and games. But I don't want to pay for a full 24/7 amount of contact lenses. What can I do?

Read more: How to get contact lenses only for playing hockey?

Is it bad to get contact lenses for a small eye prescription?

I just got my first eye prescription and I think it is about -0.75 for distance. I want to get contacts but my eye doctor said having contacts can make my eyes worse faster because I won't be able to take them out when I do close work. I also heard if you wear contacts you're eyes become more dependent and that I will need a pair of glasses for when I can't wear contacts. Is it true wearing contacts will make my eyes worse faster? Would it be ok to get contacts with my prescription? I really want them! I'm 17 thanks!
Added (1). Oh and will my eyes get worse in the next couple years? How can I slow it down if they will?

Read more: Is it bad to get contact lenses for a small eye prescription?

Is it normal for eyes to be red when you wear contact lenses first time?

So basically I m 14 and I just got my contacts and wore them for about 20 minutes before I started feeling negligible irritation when my mom told me that my eyes we re going red. I looked and I saw small red lines, like veins coming to my retina from the lower part and the corners of my eye? I removed my contacts now and I just want to know if this is normal and I should try again after a day or should I go see my doctor cause its my first time.

Read more: Is it normal for eyes to be red when you wear contact lenses first time?

Are my contact lenses still safe to wear? - 2

Well I had to throw them out on the 9th but I didn t yet (they re the ones that you throw out after 2 weeks) is it ok if I wore my contacts an extra day? I pick up my new contacts tomorrow but I don t wanna have blurry vision tomorrow so is it ok if I wear the other pair for an extra day till I get my new ones?

Read more: Are my contact lenses still safe to wear? - 2

Does eye diameter matter?

I have astigmatism and I am trying to figure out if it is worth it to buy toric circle lens. Toric Circle Lens only comes in 14.0 mm but my prescription is 14.5 mm. My base curve is also 8.7 but the circle lens is only 8.6. Will buying the 14. Mm and base curve 8.6 toric lens work? I don't want to spend $60 for nothing:(

Read more: Does eye diameter matter?

Should I get a contact for my one eye?

I've been wearing glasses since the fourth grade, but after a recent eye exam, I don't really want to continue. My glasses have basically just glass (it has a prescription, but it doesn't make a difference unless I'm trying to read something two inches from my face) in one side, and the other is a prescription lens. One eye is at -4 and the other eye is +.75. I don't need a contact in the +.75 eye, but I would for the -4 eye. Should I consider getting a contact only for that eye, or stick with my glasses?

Read more: Should I get a contact for my one eye?

My contact lenses dried out and are misshapen?!

I have no idea how long they have been like this but they are completely misshapen. I really want to know how I can shape them back to how they were before. Like rounded to the eye. They sort of just role like a scroll now.

Read more: My contact lenses dried out and are misshapen?!

1ST time wearing Contacts Help?

So I just got contacts and I wore them for the first time for a couple of hours after I taking them off one of my eyes felt slightly uncomfortable so I decided to wear my glasses instead

My Question is, if I cleaned my contacts and have stored them away and have not used them for 1 or 2 days do i have to keep changing the solution even though I have not worn them. So for everyday I have not worn them do i still need to dump the solution and fresh one as well as well as clean the container?

Read more: 1ST time wearing Contacts Help?

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Toric colored contact lenses?1?

The manufacturer Alcon has discontinued their Freshlook Colorblends toric lenses for astigmatism and has left so many people without any alternatives.

Anyone have any updated information as to when there may be something new released? 1-800-Contacts said that there was supposed to be something released this year but no definitive info.

Read more: Toric colored contact lenses?1?

What's up with my eye's?

I cant stop blinking and Its mainly when I'm playing my Xbox. I've been to the opticians and they prescribed me glasses with special blue tinted lenses which help protect eyes from screens and they also told me I have dry eyes because I have a blockage in my Tear duct apparently. I'm using eye drops and glasses but my eyes still just feel so tired all the time and I'm blinking like mad still. Think I might see a doctor about them.

Read more: What's up with my eye's?

Where to buy Solotica Contact Lenses?

Where is a legitimate website to buy Solotica Natural color contact lenses? I am in the United States.

Read more: Where to buy Solotica Contact Lenses?