Sunday, March 16, 2014

I want to be a Locomotive Engineer?

I want to be a Locomotive Engineer, but I am color blind. Before you disregard this just because I said color blind, just hear me out. Are there engineers out there who have color corrective lenses? Do they allow that? I know that there's this guy who deals with color blind people, makes contact lenses to correct it, and has patients that are in the police force, military, and on the railroads. What are the rules regarding color corrective lenses? Do I have an opportunity for a field test or some sort of an alternative test to prove what I can do? I think i read those rules somewhere but I just want to be sure. I've really always wanted to do this and I don't want it to stop me. I take the train every day and I can easily distinguish between the signals, and traffic lights have never been a problem for me.

Read more: I want to be a Locomotive Engineer?