Saturday, July 5, 2014

Is there as much essential greatness in littleness as in largeness?

Excerpt of an essay:

"Infinity lies below us as well as above us. There is as much essential greatness in littleness as in largeness. Mont Blanc-- massive, ice-crowned, imperial--is a great work of nature; yet it is only an aggregation of materials with which we are thoroughly familiar. It is only a larger mountain than that which lies within sight of my window… Such greatness, though it impresses me much, is not beyond my comprehension. It can be reckoned by cubic miles. So with the sea: it is only an expanse of water larger than the river that winds through the meadows. It is great, but it is only an aggregate of numerable quantities that my eyes can measure, and my mind comprehend. These are great objects, and they are great particularly because they are large. They are above me, and they lead me upward toward creative infinity.

If I turn my eyes in the other direction, however, I lose myself in infinity quite as readily. If I pick up a pebble at the foot of Mont Blanc, and undertake the examination of its structure,--the elements which compose it, the relations of those elements to each other, the mode of their combination--I am lost as readily as I should be in following the footsteps of the stars. If I undertake to look through a drop of water, I may be arrested at first, indeed, by the sports and struggles of animalcular life; but at length I find myself gazing beyond it into infinitude--using it as a lens through which the Godhead becomes visible to me."

Added (1). "I can dissect from one another the muscles and arteries and veins and nerves and vital viscera of the human body, but the little insect that taps a vein upon my hand does it with an instrument and by the operation of machinery which are beyond my scrutiny. They belong to a life and are the servants of instincts which I do not understand at all."

Excerpt of an essay by Timothy Titcomb… Called "Greatness in Littleness"

What is your thoughts?

Read more: Is there as much essential greatness in littleness as in largeness?

What color contacts go best with my skin?

I'm mixed with dark brown eyes. I'm looking to purchase freshlook color-blends contacts, but I don't know what color would look best… Please help!

Read more: What color contacts go best with my skin?

Is it okay to wear contact lenses if I have amblyopic eye?

Is it okay to wear contact lenses if I have amblyopic eye?

Read more: Is it okay to wear contact lenses if I have amblyopic eye?

Is it okay to wear regular colored contacts if i have astigmatism?

I have been wanting colored contacts for awhile now, but since i have astigmatism its really hard to find colored contacts for astigmatism. My prescription SPH -4.5 CYL -0.75 AX 90 I did find the freshlook colorblends toric but there power only goes up to -4 and they are expensive. I want to try the regular colorblends but I am wondering if it will damage my eye. So is it okay if i try them out.

Read more: Is it okay to wear regular colored contacts if i have astigmatism?

Clear Care 3% hydrogen peroxide in my eye?

I was putting in my contacts this morning and the left lens was not clear so i put a drop of the solution onto the lens and stuck it in my eye to feel a burning that i wouldnt wish on my worst enemy, that was around 6:45. My eye isnt as red as it was earlier and i washed it out with water and set the left lens into a new batch of solution. Is what I did okay and will I be able to place the left lens into my eye afer the 6 hours of waiting without the pain returning?

Read more: Clear Care 3% hydrogen peroxide in my eye?

Friday, July 4, 2014

How much does eye exam and contact lenses cost at costco?

I'm looking for soft lenses, have no insurance, and live in california by the way. Thanks!

Read more: How much does eye exam and contact lenses cost at costco?

I have lost three contact lenses from my left eye over the past couple of weeks?

It just comes out somehow. I have no pain or discomfort in either eye. I have worn contacts for years( I am 51.). Prior to the past couple of weeks, I had rarely lost a contact lense. I am both short-sighted and need help reading. In other words, I wear bifocal lenses. I live overseas so I can't visit my regular eye doctor in the USA.
Should I just wear a lense in my right eye for now? I have glasses for distance but not bifocals. I can read when the book is not far from my eyes. Should I get bifocal eyeglasses? I am a teacher, so I read a lot and stand in front of class.
Thank you kindly.

Read more: I have lost three contact lenses from my left eye over the past couple of weeks?

Vision clearer when looking through lens at an angle.Any ideas?

Distance vision is slightly blurry in my left eye only except for when I take the glasses and look through them at an angle (arms pointing upwards) lenses almost horizontal. I can then read text as clearly as the right eye, is it possible this is an incorrect prescription? Does this mean anything to anyone? I would think it should be clear with the glasses on my face and not better when looking through them at an angle. Maybe there is a reason for this rx.

right: sph -.75 cyl -.50 axis 70 prism2.0 in

left: sph -.75 cyl -.75 axis 70

Read more: Vision clearer when looking through lens at an angle.Any ideas?

Which brand for Contacts has the lowest price?

Hi, I'm looking for the brand that has the lowest price of contacts. Also how much is a contact lenses exam at Wal-Mart? I am thinking about getting rid of my glasses and wearing contacts. I have never worn contacts before.

Read more: Which brand for Contacts has the lowest price?

If +1.25 readers work for me at the computer, what strength will work for me when reading a book?

I haven't been able to figure out the right strength for a book (always get sore eyes and I can't figure out if that's because the readers are too strong or too weak) but +1.25 is great at the computer. Please help if you know which strength I should try for reading up close. By the way, I'm very farsighted and wearing strong contact lenses underneath the readers. Thanks!

Read more: If +1.25 readers work for me at the computer, what strength will work for me when reading a book?

Should I get 1.74 or 1.67 high index for my -7.00 prescription?

My glasses (size: 50/18), which I have been using for 7 years, is -7.00 and have high index lens of 1.74 and I love them! They're thin and very nice.

However, since it is 7 years, I am thinking of getting a new pair of glasses. My prescription is still -7.00 on both eyes. But I am debating whether I should get 1.67 high index instead of 1.74 because the price difference between the two is huge (Yes, I could afford 1.74 back then because I had a job, now I am in med school, not working since school is too busy).

My question is, will 1.67 high index looks similar to my 1.74? I like them nice and thin.

Read more: Should I get 1.74 or 1.67 high index for my -7.00 prescription?

I want to use goggles, should i apply contact lenses or should i prefer powered sunglasses?

I want to use goggles, should i apply contact lenses or should i prefer powered sunglasses?

Read more: I want to use goggles, should i apply contact lenses or should i prefer powered sunglasses?

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Colored Circle lenses that favor people with prescription and astigmatism?

Looking for red circle lenses for a cosplay but i am finding it impossible to find some that favor both these things i tried pinky paradise but there website is very confusing as in they have a section for circle lenses with perscription but then they also have a section for astigmatism.

Read more: Colored Circle lenses that favor people with prescription and astigmatism?

How to clean out contact lenses?

Basically what do i need to buy for it, I have monthly contact lenses.
Added (1). appear
Added (2). appear

Read more: How to clean out contact lenses?

What is wrong with my contact lens? - 1

Help I just got some new contacts yesterday and the dr taught me how to take them out put them in and all and then he gave me a one pair trail pair. So last night I completely tore the right one I was getting it out of my eye and did not know that it was already out and into my fingers so I accidentally ripped them apart. Now this morning my mom went to the eye doctor and got a new right eye lens. At first I lost it and dropped it on my sink, and about 2 minutes later I found it and quickly soaked it in solution. After this I put it in my eye and it felt kind of loose like to was going to come out of my eye so then I took it out and thought it was inside out, then I found like a tiny tiny dent in it it was not torn or anything just kind of pushed in so I was sure it was not inside out and put it back into my eyes and now I see great but it still feels loose and uncomfortable once and while what do I do? I don't think my dr has anymore not sure

Read more: What is wrong with my contact lens? - 1

The optican said eye lenses with Astigmatism should be blurry littlebit, is it true?

Look, this idiot optican (female 50 y/o i guess) gave me some eye lenses and i'm very angry. Because i'm not satisfied at all. She told me that the eye lenses should be blurry littlebit because of my astigmatsim… I see perfect with my glasses but with the eye lenses i see freakin blurry…

should it be really see littlebit blurry and eye lenses with astimatsim can't reach vision like glasses have?

btw the glasses i bought weren't from this optican (it was from some 1 else)
Added (1). Also because i'm not satisfied about the vision. Do i have the rights to ask the money back?

Read more: The optican said eye lenses with Astigmatism should be blurry littlebit, is it true?

What color of contact lens suits me?

I want to purchase a pair of contact lens because I have a slightly poor vision. Anyway, the reason why I like to get a colored one is for a change. :)

Btw, I'm an Asian and I have a black hair. My skin color is like a typical Asian, slightly yellowish. And i've been wondering which color of contact lens suits me, brown or gray? If you want neither of these two then what? Any suggestions?


Read more: What color of contact lens suits me?

How to fix carelessness?

Hey there. This question might sound very immature and all, but please bare with me.
Ive wanted to have contact lenses for a long time, because Ive always felt more confident without glasses. (Ive had some lack of confidence problems) So I finally got them and I was more glad than ever. But then today, I accidently broke one. (Theyre hrd lenses). I am so mad at me, and mistakes like this didnt happen for the first time. Ive lost a watch I adored, and broke a beautiful pair of glasses. I am so dissapointed in myself, and so are my parents. They even regret buying me the lenses, after I told them I would be careful. No matter how much I try to be careful, I end up making a stupid careless mistake again, and break everything.
I don't know how I can fix my carelessness, and I tried so hard to fix it, reading online, asking people… Everytime these things happen, I scratch off a bit off my confidence again, and I'm almost at the edge.
Please help, thank you so much for reading all this.

Read more: How to fix carelessness?

Can i wear glasses over cosmetic contact lens?

hi! I am suffering from myopia. Its so worst that there was a time that i didn't recognized my own father. Recently, my aunt accompanied me to an optometrist. I am now wearing the eyeglasses the only good thing is T.T i don't feel nerdy at all. My problem is, my mother and i are always arguing because I still wear my cosmetic contact lenses. I mean, is it bad if i still wear my lenses? I can't give it up! Please. Help! Thank you so much!

Read more: Can i wear glasses over cosmetic contact lens?

Is it necessary to use the cleaning solution for contact lenses?

cant i just dip it in water and wear it

Read more: Is it necessary to use the cleaning solution for contact lenses?

How common is it for girls to wear glasses as an accessory when they don't have eye problems?

I'm not talking about "hipster/nerd glasses", I'm talking about just regular glasses you see normal people wear. I really think they frame the face nicely and I would like to buy some with clear lenses because my vision is fine but I want glasses as an accessory. Is that weird? I'm gonna be a senior this year and I've never worn glasses, so if people ask about it should I tell them I don't actually need the glasses to see? Do you think people will even ask about them? And have you ever heard of girls doing this?
these are the ones I want

Read more: How common is it for girls to wear glasses as an accessory when they don't have eye problems?

Can I rince my contact lens case with tap water?

I just got contacts today. They told me not to rince my contacts with tap water--but what about the case? I forgot. My contact lens type is soft lenses, and they're the ones that last a month. Is it okay to wash the case in tap water, but not the contacts? Thanks.

Read more: Can I rince my contact lens case with tap water?

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

One of my contact lenses feels weird? Did I get an infection?

I just started wearing contact lenses and one day suddenly the contact on my left eye started to feel weird, my eye went red and it hurt a little. Then it fell off itself, I didn't even scratch. I put it again the next day it seemed fine. But then several days letter it began again. The same left eye felt uncomfortable, it seemed like there is something in my eye. It was quite disturbing so I removed the lenses. Is that what they call "contact lenses infection"?

Read more: One of my contact lenses feels weird? Did I get an infection?

How to keep soft contact lenses from folding over in your eye?

I'm trying to put on my soft contact lenses, i just got contacts, and for some reason they fold over whenever they're in my eye. I'm trying hard not to blink, and to keep my eye open. What should i do?

Read more: How to keep soft contact lenses from folding over in your eye?

What colored lens is better for weak eyes glasses?

I have myopia and astigmatism ans wear glasses since second grade (I'm 22 now). I was thinking about getting a retro-type Lennon-like glasses. I wanted to know what color is better choosing between yellow, blue, red and green. Which one has the least consequences if there is any at all?

Read more: What colored lens is better for weak eyes glasses?

Wearing reading glasses as a fashion statement?

What are your thoughts on girls who wear glasses (NOT hipster glasses) as an accessory when they don't have actual eye problems?
I like how glasses look, I think they frame a face really nicely and I'm thinking about just buying frames with clear lenses. But I don't feel like explaining to all the people who ask me "Since when did you start wearing glasses?"

Read more: Wearing reading glasses as a fashion statement?

Effects of wearing bad glasses?

I've had a pair of glasses for near a year now and in one lens (the right) it's blurry but in the left lens it's clear - while I can see just fine, intricate details themselves are harder for me to make out - essentially imagine seeing life in 480p quality every day. I wish I could pay for a fresh eye test and a new set of prescription lenses but as a university student, money is understandably scarce.

I'm just wondering, are there any side effects of wearing glasses that aren't the right prescription for you? Like;
impaired depth perception,
impaired memory (can't remember something you didn't see properly),
impaired attention span,
feeling your eyes slacken and blur every now and then
or anything else really?

Much obliged.

Read more: Effects of wearing bad glasses?

One of my contact lenses is stuck in my eye?

A friend told me nail polish remover will dissolve the lens. It will hurt like the dickens for an hour or so but it should do the trick. Is this a good idea?

Read more: One of my contact lenses is stuck in my eye?

I bought daily eye lenses with Astigmatism… And i see blurry?

Doesn't matter near or far, i see blurry, what's wrong here?
Added (1). When i take off the eye lenses, i see better but a bit blurry (i still need glasses or eye lenses)

Read more: I bought daily eye lenses with Astigmatism… And i see blurry?

Do you use binoculars for astronomy?

Any binocular of any magnification will give you a closer look at the craters of the Moon. And by just looking around the sky, you̢۪ll see a lot of stars that are too faint for your eyes to see. The bigger the front lens of the binoculars the more light enters them, so you see fainter things through them.

Do you use binoculars for astronomy? I like just going outside at night and looking around the stars with binoculars. It's a lot of fun what you can see.

Read more: Do you use binoculars for astronomy?

How to pay for college without help?

I am done with community college and am now transferring to a public university. This is out of daily driving distance, which means I need to move to an apartment by campus and start paying rent ($625 a month) I currently make $8.75 an hour and work about 30 hours per week, but I will have to quit this job before I move and then try to find a new one by school. The problem is, now that my public university costs more than community college did, I'm worried I won't get enough financial aid loans to cover the cost. The FAFSA people think my parents make enough to pay for my school, so I'm worried I won't get enough loans. But in reality I pay for all my schooling, my parents gave me $60 for one textbook one time, that's it. I'll have to pay $14,000 a year in tuition and $625 a month for rent, which of course I need loans to pay for because I'm a student, I don't make that much money. On top of that all, I need to reorder my next year of contact lenses, which cost between $400-$500. I am freaking out. I'm worried I won't have enough money to eat once I move down there. Do banks give out student loans that go straight to you instead of your school? Because I need the money in my personal account to pay rent and groceries. My mom told me to drop out and just work full time, but I know that's no good without a degree. Can anyone offer some advice?

Read more: How to pay for college without help?

Should eye lenses with Astigmatism give same vision as glasses?

I bought glasses, i see sharp, now i bought eye lenses from another shop, and when i put them on, i see blurry, i waited even 5minute, still blurry… And it has Astigmatism (clynder) or something on it. She said that eye lenses with Astigmatism shouldn't fix my vision or something, i still see not sharp as with regular glasses, wtf?

somebody knows if she tries to scam me? I see way better when i don't wear the eye lenses… Wtf is it stupid store i went inside?

Read more: Should eye lenses with Astigmatism give same vision as glasses?

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Who's fault was this?

Ok so I'm 15 and I went to the pool today. I went with my sister my step sister and there friends and there all 10 and we are all girls. Anyway we forgot towels and so they all voted for my little sister to get them I though that was unfair and went with her. So I went with her and we only got towels for ourselves and then my stepdad got the other 2 towels which was awful as they were just so lazy! Then when we got back the pool was cold so I was slowing getting in then my step sister slashed me in my eye so I took her goggle off her head not ruff and stuff and popped the lens. Then she goes out of the pool gives them to her dad and then goes home with him. Then she lied and said I hit her took the goggles broke them and stuff and that she didn't do anything! And my step dad said he "saw it all". Anyway my sister and there friend where witnesses. They agreed with my story, anyway then my stepdad told my mom is was awful what I did and that it was bad in the publics eyes and stuff so my mom drove to the pool and was going to take my phone! I didn't care but still I wanted to know why! So she said I did wrong and stuff so I told her the story which my sister and her friend both agreed on and she said oh wow that's was rediculous. And didn't take my phone. Anyway so now my mom is mad and stuff but I don't want her to be… I no taking the goggles was childish but I mean her dad wasn't going to do anything if I told him. He might of just said stop but she wouldn't have.

Read more: Who's fault was this?

Am I going to go blind? - 1

I know I am stupid, so please don't lecture me too much. It was cloudy and I had just gotten a new 24-120mm lens and I was taking some cloud photos when I found that with my UV protection filter, I could see the sun as a glowing white disk behind the clouds. Naturally I couldn't help myself, and so I snapped a few shots on continuous low mode, about 14 shots I think. My eye is now a little tingly and I am scared I burned my eye! Help!
Added (1). The clouds were moderately thin, I'm really really scared.

Read more: Am I going to go blind? - 1

Is there a UK charity that takes unused contact lenses?

My wife has a couple of unwanted unopened boxes of contact lenses - well within their expiry date.

Obviously they would only be suitable for someone with the same prescription.

Is there a charity here in the UK who will take them? Maybe to be sent to the third world for example?

I know there are a couple of such charities in the USA that do this, but posting the lenses to the USA seems a bit over the top,


Read more: Is there a UK charity that takes unused contact lenses?

Contact lenses for better than average vision?

I just got contacts yesterday, so I am within that 1 week trial window. I can definitely see as well as when I wear glasses. However, I would like to be able to see much better from greater distances. I still struggle reading license plates that are greater than one car length in front of me. My question is, can I request contact lenses that will give me much better long distance vision? Not hawk vision necessarily, but pretty darn close. I want magnified vision better than that of average humans.

Read more: Contact lenses for better than average vision?

Is it okay to take a 3 hr nap in Acuvue Air Optix soft contact lenses?

I'm gonna fly to Texas pretty soon and from where I live to there, it takes about 3 hours or so. I was wondering if it's okay to sleep in your contacts for that long. I think I tried that once, but then when I tried to take them out, it felt like they were stuck to my eye so it kinda made them harder to get out but eventually I did. I'm hoping that it's just a one time thing.

Read more: Is it okay to take a 3 hr nap in Acuvue Air Optix soft contact lenses?

Are my Ray Bans fake?

I ordered the RB4165 "Justin" from my local eye care center for prescription sunglasses. It just came in the mail and I noticed that the rayban logo on the lenses were gone and it came in a hard case instead of those leather pouches. It didn't even come in those silver boxes. Did I get scammed?

Read more: Are my Ray Bans fake?

Would wearing contacts for watersports in Lake Tahoe be alright?

We might go to Lake Tahoe for a couple days. I want to try jet skiing, driving a speed boat, and probably something like kayaking or water sailing. I won't be swimming unless it's just me falling into the water and swimming back to the boat [Yes, I can swim; I just get bored of it quickly].

I don't want to go on the water without contacts because I won't be able to see the beautiful scenery. I *have* to see the scenery while on the lake… And most likely they'll require I can see if I'm going to be operating the boat. I'm just checking to make sure it's not *terribly* ill advised. For the most part, I'm planning on just doing it lens in and all. Thanks.

Read more: Would wearing contacts for watersports in Lake Tahoe be alright?

How close does your eye have to be to a fresnel lens for the image to be clear?

Do they have to be at the exact focal length? I'm trying to do perform a few calculations but they all require distance between eye and lens, and I don't have access to the lenses while I'm out of town.

The lens will be perfectly parallel with the object it is magnifying, and at the exact focal length.

What will happen if the eye is closer to the lens than the focal length? Closer?

Thanks in advance.

Read more: How close does your eye have to be to a fresnel lens for the image to be clear?

Do toric contact lenses for astigmatism correct the way your eyes look?

I know that toric contact lenses fix your vision and helps see better whether someone is nearsighted or farsighted. But do the contact actually fix how your eyes look, because when you have astigmatism, one eye shape is not spherical and it may not line up with the other eye so it almost looks like you have somewhat of a lazy eye. Do toric contacts actually fix the way your eyes look, so they look like they are looking in the same direction and not one eye drooping off?

Read more: Do toric contact lenses for astigmatism correct the way your eyes look?

Eyelashes smudge sunglasses (plastic frame)?

I have a brand new pair of Oakley Batwolfs, they are really sweet but one problem I have with them is my eyelashes hit the lens, for some reason more on the right lens and smudge it, and when its hot out it leaves a watery mark. It is very annoying having to clean them all the time, and they are plastic so there is no nose piece to adjust. Ive tried pushing them further down my nose but its uncomfortable and my lashes still reach. Is there anything I can do? Should I try curling my eyelashes? They are already fairly curly, but I dont want to trim them: S maybe a small amount on my right eye would work… Suggestions?

Read more: Eyelashes smudge sunglasses (plastic frame)?

Monday, June 30, 2014

Conjunctivitis and school?

So I first noticed the symptoms on Saturday, but they were minor and I wear contact lenses so I didn't think much of it. However I woke up yesterday with full blown conjunctivitis. Today I went to the doctors, they confirmed it was conjunctivitis and gave me some eyedrops. And yes, I have stopped wearing contact lenses for the moment.

My question is about school. Will my eye be better (it's only one eye at the moment) tomorrow when I wake up, considering it'll be the 4th day and I only started eyedrops today? Also, the main question, am I supposed to go into school with it? I've read everywhere that I shouldn't but my dad said unless it's worse tomorrow morning then he expects me to go to school.

I've never had conjunctivitis before and the doctor didn't really explain a lot

Read more: Conjunctivitis and school?

Can eye drops cause back burning pain?


Read more: Can eye drops cause back burning pain?

Just got contact lenses and everything is slightly bigger?

So I'm now 18 yrs old, almost 19, and I have been wearing glasses since I was about 8. My prescription is relatively high at around a 6.25. I recently switched to contacts, and I'm loving them, the only thing I am noticing is that lot of objects look larger; items such as my computer monitor, bowls, spoons, you name it. My question is why does this happen, and what size of things is reality, am I seeing the real size of things with contacts or with glasses.

Thank you.

Read more: Just got contact lenses and everything is slightly bigger?

Does walmart include fitting fee into contact lens exam?

I know the price is different everywhere but didn't know if this was or not. Do I have to pay for a contact fitting on top of a contact exam or is that price included? I know what brand I want and have been on for over 5 years now or is that a separate fee from the exam itself?

Read more: Does walmart include fitting fee into contact lens exam?

Does the Bates Method work for people who have a Really high grade on their glasses?

First time I've heard of this was when my glasses were like 200/50 and a website said wearing glasses strain your eyes and can worsen your sight. Being gullible, I didn't wear my glasses for a long time except when using the computer but it didn't work.

The lens in my current glasses are already 450/100 but I sense that my sight has been worsening. I've been wanting to try Bates Method. I've palmed some few times a day, I've tried the game "Moon Swing" but I haven't seen the effects yet.

I've seen a few negative comments about the method but only a few. I've looked through the comments that say it worked but I'm not so sure… Have any of you done this method? How long does it work?

Read more: Does the Bates Method work for people who have a Really high grade on their glasses?

How much is a contact lenses exam?

I really want contacts since im playing football this year

I know that contacts go about 20-40 dollars a box.

But how much is the actual exam to where they give me a prescription.

this is my normal eye doctors website

they dont tell the price on there, i tried emailing they wont reply. So can anyone help?

Read more: How much is a contact lenses exam?

My left eye goes in and out of focus while wearing contact lenses?

So i've recently tried contact lenses, they feel great when i'm looking in a distance but the vision gets in and out of focus when i'm reading a paper or looking at letters from a close distance. The problem does not occur when i'm wearing glasses. Only one eye has a problem with focusing

Read more: My left eye goes in and out of focus while wearing contact lenses?

Help converting toric lens prescription to non-toric one, please?

Hi, I want to get normal spherical lenses cos they are cheaper and as far as I know it won't make much difference with my prescription?
Right eye: -5.25 cyl. 0.75 axis 180
Left eye: -3 50 cyl 0.75 axis 180

Please help:)

Read more: Help converting toric lens prescription to non-toric one, please?

Why does my makeup blur my contact?

I have been wearing contacts for a few years and this has always happened.

I don't wear a lot of makeup (only eyeliner)
Its always waterproof (two-faced waterproof pencil eyeliner)

About an hour into wearing them ONE contacts gets blurred with this grey stuff I assumed to be my make up. Its almost always only one eye. When I don't wear makeup im fine, but I like makeup

I recently switched brands of contacts because my doctor gave me a trial brand of Acuvue oasis that I wore for 2 weeks with as much makeup as I wanted, and had no problems. I bought them and within the first hour that I wore them, it happened again. This time I didn̢۪t even wear much make up at all!

I use Opti-Free pure moist solution.

What can I do to solve this problem besides not wearing makeup?!

Read more: Why does my makeup blur my contact?

What is considered Low/Moderate/High Astigmatism?

I'm going to go home and read my prescription off my contact lens box
and I'd like to know if my prescription is considered low, moderate or high.

I have myopia and astigmatism…

Can someone tell me how the degrees work? Like… Is -2.50 myopia with level 3 astigmatism high?

Added (1). If myopia goes on a scale of -.25 to -20
what is the scale for astigmatism?

Read more: What is considered Low/Moderate/High Astigmatism?

Sunday, June 29, 2014

What do i need for contacts? - 1

I have this. Bio true multi-purpose solution and put it in my contact lenses… Is it bad that i did that

Read more: What do i need for contacts? - 1

Can I wear my contacts for longer than a month?


So, my contacts are monthly contacts, however, I just finished my packet and haven't had time to order new contacts and won't be able to until Thursday meaning the contacts won't come for at least 1.5-2 weeks. But, I was wondering, I am currently on school holidays and will be for 2 more weeks, so I am MOSTLY at home and I wear my glasses at home. But the days I do go out, will I be able to wear my contacts? This is the first time this has happened, by the way. Lol.


Read more: Can I wear my contacts for longer than a month?

How much is lasik eye surgery?

I was thinking about getting lasik eye surgery and had a couple questions. First of all, about how much does it cost? I have astigmatism so it might be a bit more for that. Also, my eye doctor tells me my eyes get a little bit worse every couple of years. If I get the lasik surgery, will it fix me forever, or can my eyes continue to get worse?

Read more: How much is lasik eye surgery?

Will wearing 3D glasses upside-down effect what I see?

If I wanted to wear 3D glasses upside down while watching a 3D movie in a cinema (because they're more comfortable that way), does it mess up what I'm seeing?

My right eye would be looking through the left lens and vice versa, so would that effect what I see at all, or is it all good?

Read more: Will wearing 3D glasses upside-down effect what I see?

Does the base curve for Sclera contacts really matter?

When ordering sclera contacts, they say that the basecurve is 9. On my normal contacts lenses box, it says my basecurve is 8.4. What does this mean exactly? And could I still order the sclera ones and expect them to fit? (They're going to be uncomfortable anyway)

Read more: Does the base curve for Sclera contacts really matter?

Is wearing soft contact lens the best way to handle double vision?

I had a retina reattachment surgery about 3 months ago. After the surgery, there is a huge difference in vision between my right eye and left eye. The eye doctor's recommendation is to wear soft contact lens because I will get double vision wearing regular glasses. I have never worn soft contact lens before and would image it is not very convenient or comfortable. Is wearing soft contact lens the best way to handle double vision or is there any alternative way to get around this problem? Thanks.

Read more: Is wearing soft contact lens the best way to handle double vision?

Believable fake name and back story?

Tomorrow is the last day of school and we have to get a fake identity, outfit and whatnot. And make us look and sound like weren't who we are. I need a fake name and backstory. I'm dyeing my hair red and I have blue contact lenses that imma wear. So a name that would go with those features and a short backstory too would be cool. Thaannkkksss!

Read more: Believable fake name and back story?

I'm home alone, its 2 am and I'm scared?

I'm in my room and I have a balcony, my dog started staring at it and growling and then I felt like someone was knocking on my door and my dogs barked, my door is locked. I'm scared, really. I need to go to my bathroom and take off my contact lenses and my makeup but I dont want to move.
I'm really really scared.
What should I do. I tried calling my mom (she's in another state) but she's asleep.
I know this sounds really silly, but I'm scared…

Read more: I'm home alone, its 2 am and I'm scared?