Sunday, January 13, 2013

Can a 13 year old wear contact lenses?

Hi, well I've been wearing glasses for about 2 years now and they've just been making my eyes worse
so I thought of contact I went onto and checked out the contact lenses so I asked my parents and they said I could book an eye test and then get contacts lenses if my eyes are suitable. But I went in yesterday and the woman said "my eyes look ok to have contacts."

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: I'm a very hygenic person, I always keep my hands clean, and I never mess with dirt and and then touch my face/eyes/etc.

and I know how to keep contact lenses clean, and I'm aware of the affects of not keeping them clean.
Added (1). And I didn't know which area to put this question into…
Added (2). Well yeah, but contact lenses will help alot, because the glasses do, it's just the bad side effect to it is it makes my eyes so blurry.
Added (3). And it's a long story, I'm short sighted which means I can only see things close up but when I started wearing the glasses it eventually made it worse and worse and now I can't even see properly from about 5 feet away.So that's why I'm changing.

thanks for all of your helping comments!
Added (4). By the way can you add your location too, because things in different countries are not the same.
Added (5). I'm in United Kingdom.
Added (6). My parents agree with me having them (my parents think it's fine)
Added (7). Which best answerer shall I pick?
>>> Can a 13 year old wear contact lenses?