Tuesday, August 28, 2018

How do i convert my toric lens to spherical lense?

So i just got my trial lenses and i wanna order solotica colored lenses. On my right eye i wear normal lenses that are -5.00 so i don't think i need to convert those, they didn't give me special lenses for that because my asitgmatism was only -.50.
but on my left eye, my astigmatism is -0.75, and i wear th acuvey oasys for astigmatism lense. My left eye prescription with asitgmatism is -4.50. How should i convert that to get the lenses? Thanks

Read more: https://contactlenstalk.com/faq/colored/how-do-i-convert-my-toric-lens-to-spherical-lense.html