Monday, September 3, 2012

My hard contact lenses are blurry, is this normal?

I just got my hard contact lenses about 5 days ago, and I've been wearing them daily. I can see everything within a one foot radius pretty clearly, but everything else beyond that is blurred.It's not a regular, prescription blur, it's more like if I focus my eyes (which is really tiring becuase my eyes aren't used to the contacts yet) on the subject, the subject falls in and out of focus a bit.My doctor said that hard contacts do take longer to get used to (like, about 3 weeks), but I'm still a bit worried.Is this just normal for first-time contact wearers, are my eyes just tired and a bit irritated, or do I just need to wait longer? :c

And I'm sure that the prescriptions are fine, because my eyes are able to focus on far away things, even if it's just for a second.
>>> My hard contact lenses are blurry, is this normal?