Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Are my glasses's hinges completely broken?

Kay, so a few days ago… I was in gym and we were playing basketball/jump rope and I either had my glasses on or like one of the arms inside of my shorts and the front part facing. (Like they would look if you were to put it on a shirt) and they fell.So… -.- This girl says I dropped my glasses and she was the one who stepped on them before she said that on accident.So, I picked them up and I was so pissed. D: (They look like fake nerd glasses btw) Anyways, so the left side arm is like pulled to the left side more then the other one like bent? I guess. And, then the other arm like the hinge part wiggles back and forth. And then right above the hinge like right next to the lences in sort of cracked… Not really notice-able. I know I can't get that fixed btw… Other then that they are fine but the lenses are pretty scratched up but not notice-able. Only have had them for like 2 1/2 months now, if they are broken- how much are new frames and lenses? (seperate) I know what my eye vision is already though so I don't need the test. Also, would they still have my style if it was over 2 months? OH! And, I can't close the arms together down that good. Thanks for your answers and sorry for the long story! D:
>>> Are my glasses's hinges completely broken?