Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Contact Lens Diameter Confusion?

Hello, I REALLY hate having to spend 60+ dollars every year for an eye apointment when I really don't need one. If I have problems I'd go, and I'd go every 2 or 3 years anyways. ANYWAYS my problem is, I originally ordered normal Air Optix Aqua contact lenses, but I threw out the boxes when I got my new contacts the following year, which were colored FreshLook Colorblends. (Blue colored contacts on dark brown eyes) Anyways, I have my perscription and everything on this box, and the diameter. The diameter says 14.5, but I found the contacts were always a bit bigger, maybe cause of the color? I don't know. Anyways, I'm trying to order my Air Optix again, this time online because I don't have the time/want to go through all of that trouble for the hours of appointments they make me do, but it says the Air Optix only comes in diameter 14.2 … By chance, did they stop making them in 14.5? Or is it a smaller diameter because it's not colored contacts? Should I order the 14.2s?
>>> Contact Lens Diameter Confusion?