Friday, September 7, 2012

Contact lenses tearing?

Hi! So I got contact lenses about a month ago and they were fine la di da until one day I ripped one. Then I ripped the other the day after. We went and got replacements but when we got them checked then they said they were way too tight in my eye and that I would need a looser pair.So we put them in and they were too loose.So they decided to order in another pair (acuvue johnson and johnsons oasys) and they were fine for another week until both just ripped a while ago. They were bi weeklies. (The first and second pair were monthly). Also when they were fitted they said they were a bit tight and should move more and I got a bit of a dry eye sometimes. What can I do! Thank you :)
Btw I am going to the opticians tomorrow to get another pair and a fitting on Friday. The optometristdoesnt have the equipment to measure my eye for contacts which is really annoying me.
>>> Contact lenses tearing?