Thursday, September 6, 2012

How would you define my eyesight?

I am -5.5 and -5.75 in contact lenses. I also have astigmatism, can't see signs until drive past them (Still learning) as I just can't see that far, even with lenses/glasses and I can't really focus on things. They sort of split into two and go really far apart.

On Answers, people have been referring to their eyesight as a mark out of 20 or 200.Is there a way of working out what my 'score' would be? I've never heard of it being defined like that, except when American's refer to perfect vision as 20/20.

Any ideas? :3
Added (1). @Emily - I'm 18 and the optician who sorts out my contact lenses has told me that my reach will just never be good. This year, I've gone from -4.5 to -5.75.So I hope they're not getting worse because at this rate, I'll be blind by the time I finish university: P
I actually find it harder to focus on things with corrective lenses.
Added (2). Oh and my last eye exam was about a month ago which was when my prescription was increased from -5 to -5.75 and -5.5 :3 I've had glasses since I was about 2.
>>> How would you define my eyesight?