Monday, October 1, 2012

Eye redness due to contact lense solution?

Before you ask, no I did not reuse my solution. I simply went to CVS pharmacy to get a new one, since my old one was used up- As I was looking for one I noticed how there was one huge box only for $6, but it wasn't one of those brand products it was a "sterile" contact lense solution FROM CVS. Amazingly surprised at the price I bought it -_-.

So I took off my contacts and left them in my new solution overnight.In the morning when I put them on, I felt the worst STING IN MY LIFE- This was the feeling as if something one put nail polish remover or plain alcohol in my eye.It was definitely the most pain I have ever felt in my whole life! I have been wearing contact lenses for two years now and I've never encountered a problem or infection-THANK GOD!

Afterwards I looked in the mirror and saw that my eyes were RED. Not bloodshot-More like someone had shot my eye and there was blood everywhere.Me, being the most paranoid person in the world, went online and googled what had happened to me- This is what I came up with… *read the comments* -- My question is how do you stop the redness ???- immediatly after the encounter I flushed my eyes with water but they are STILL red- I put eye drops- but what can I say, I'm desperate for help! Please… Help! D': -Rachael Thanks!
>>> Eye redness due to contact lense solution?