Thursday, October 4, 2012

Right eye is having trouble focusing?

I'm 18 years old, and I received my first pair of glasses two years ago. When the eye doctor examined my eyes, he said that my right eye has an astigmatism, and that my left eye is near-sighted. He also mentioned that my eyes are sensitive to light, and this is common for people with blonde or red hair.In both this first visit and the visit the year after, he had me read letters from a sheet of paper up close, to check on how well my eyes could focus. Both times, I could read them perfectly fine in both eyes. However, after my eyes were dilated, I recall going home and going on the computer for awhile. Sometime after that, I noticed that my right eye was starting to get a bit fuzzy with things up close. I at first thought that this had to do with the eye dilation and being on the computer afterwards (with the bright screen), since this happened just after that event, but all the people I told this to told me that they don't think that would cause it.

I've been worried about this, though. Both my eyes are near-sighted, but my astigmatism eye can see better from a distance than my regular near-sighted eye.So I found it very odd when my right eye started having trouble focusing on close objects. I'm supposed to be seeing the eye doctor next week because of this.

Other things to know, are that I have dry eyes from using the computer a lot over the course of a few years, eye makeup will often fall into my eyes, and it usually takes me awhile to get out, especially at the corners (where sleep will usually be), and this is why I try not to use it as often. Also, the people crafting my lenses can never get the left lens exactly right. I lost the first pair, and when they recrafted the lenses, the left lens seemed even more off than before. On my second appointment, my eyesight didn't change, which seems to be unusual because my doctor said that eyesight usually changes after wearing glasses for awhile for the first time.My glasses still work well regardless in both eyes, even though the left lens still isn't fully right. I've had three "eye burning" sensations since I first started wearing glasses. One time was when I was on the computer for awhile, and my left eye started stinging all of a sudden. I wasn't sure whether this came out of nowhere or was because of the acne medication I was using (I know that I'm sensitive to benzoyl peroxide, but I dab it onto acne when I have it bad, and it was bad at the time.) The other time was while I was reading with my glasses on by a lamp at night, and then it happened to my right eye for a bit. Again, I had on the benzoyl peroxide, so that may have been the cause, or the low cast of my eyes at the time had something to do with it. I'm still not sure, though.

I'm just wondering if anybody out there might know what would cause an eye with an astigmatism to start focusing oddly? Would computer use have anything to do with it? Or does this have something to do with an astigmatism? Or something else?
>>> Right eye is having trouble focusing?