Friday, October 5, 2012

Is it normal to almost faint?

I have recently started to see my optometrist about contact lenses. Today I had like a trail to see if I feel comfortable wearing them at first the man put them in my eye and took them out then put them in again and said ok go and see if you can get it out yourself. I was trying for about five minutes then I lost colour felt weak, blurry vision etc.etc. He stopped me before I fainted and all was well but, he said it was normal for people around my age (14) to feel odd and have "mini" faints because it's the first time they have really touched there eye in such way.

Now my question would be is it normal to 'nearly' faint around you're first time or was he just saying that to be kind.

Also I hadn't eaten all day so I was hungry while there if that can affect with anything.
>>> Is it normal to almost faint?