Sunday, September 30, 2012

Anyone knows if this is the normal way to adjust to new prescription glasses?

About 5 days ago I went back to change my right lens on my new pair of glasses because I noticed I was squinting while reading and when I closed my left eye I wasnt able to read out of my right one.So, the nice lady placed another small lens in front of my eye and asked me if that made me dizzy, i said no. With tha extra lens I could read smaller lines on the snellen chart and see better the things on my phone. A few days later i got my new glasses and my right eye lens was bumbed from +2.75 to +3.50.As soon as I put them on i felt nauseated. I ssumed ut was normal since my precription had changed. I worethem for afew days and got occasional cold sweats and nausea but i thought it was getting better. Last night while watching TV everything started spinning arund me, Iwent to sleep. I woke up in the middle of the night sweating and having vertigos: i almost vomited.So I managed to walk to the car and take my old pair of glasses and put them on. I read for a few minutes forcing myself to focus on the screen that felt like it was moving around and eventually it became better. I felt better. I went to sleep.
This morning I used my new glasses again and I started sweating right away. I took them off and after a few hours put them back on. Iwas fine for couple of hours then I found myself sweating and being nauseous. Now, as I am typing this I am wearing my old glasses.
I noticed I see better with my new glasses, slightly better that is, because that is my lazy eye. But now Iam wondering if this is a normal part of getting used tothem or not. I think it isn't because it is making me physically sick.
What do you think? Any similar experience? How did it go for you?
I am planningto see the optometrist in a couple of days because my schedule is pretty full. Should I try wearing the new glasses or should i wear the old ones until then?
Thank you all so much for taking the time to read this.
>>> Anyone knows if this is the normal way to adjust to new prescription glasses?