Sunday, September 2, 2012

Eyes red, contact lenses?

I only started wearing contact lenses yesterday, but only for 2 hours because my optician told me to gradually work up to 8 hours. Today I was about to put them on for 4 hours, but I noticed my eyes were red (both eyes, both on the side of my eyeball closest to my nose). I'm really scared I might have an infection.

By the way, I'm 14, and I'm wearing 30day contact lenses.My eyes are neither itchy or dry but they are somewhat noticeably red- I noticed a foot away from a mirror (and this is without my glasses), and when I told my mom, she only noticed after I had told her. I don't know when my eyes started to redden, but I've been around 20 kids today and my family who haven't pointed it out until I did at 18:30.At this time in the evening, I don't FEEL tired but I have been playing multiple games of Tetris in the last half hour (maybe this is why?). I'm hoping it is.

>>> Eyes red, contact lenses?