Friday, October 19, 2012

How thick are 25 prism glasses?

I just had a visit with my opthamologist and she prescribed me to update my prism lenses. I now need 25 prism lenses for both of my eyes base out. I understand and know how prisms work. However, how thick are 25 prism lenses for glasses? She told me they are going to be very bulky and very thick. I was wondering what they would look like and how thick exactly they will be?
Added (1). Foorprintz I did NOT what-so-ever misunderstand my opthamologist at all. I need 25 diopters of prism as in 25 power prism. Prism lenses range anywhere from 1-60 usually. A prism bends light. 1 prism is eqivilent to 1 cm. I need 25 prism diopter lenses. You are wrong.
Added (2). Foorprintz I did NOT what-so-ever misunderstand my opthamologist at all. I need 25 diopters of prism as in 25 power prism. Prism lenses range anywhere from 1-60 usually. A prism bends light. 1 prism is eqivilent to 1 cm. I need 25 prism diopter lenses. You are wrong.
>>> How thick are 25 prism glasses?