Sunday, October 14, 2012

Contact lenses starting to become annoying?

I don't even know what my actual question is to be honest… I've been wearing daily disposables for about a month now but instead of becoming a pro at putting them in, it's taking me longer each morning! It's so annoying. I do everything the same but the contacts don't want to stick in my eyes and then they flip out so I become even more confused on which way they are… not to mention this makes me late nearly every morning.

One day I didn't wear contacts and wow you can really see the difference without them, they are so much better than glasses (well for me anyway).
My other problem is that unless it's broad daylight I can't see the lenses in my eye to take them out? I get the first contact out fine (by sliding it down to the white part) but with the other contact it's really hard because I can't see if I've slide it down…

anyone face these issues or is it just me lol
>>> Contact lenses starting to become annoying?