Monday, August 20, 2012

Got clear care contact stuff in my eye?

Ok, I used my roommate's contact solution for my regular contact case (really dumb, I know.) After putting in one contact and immediately having the contact jump out of my eye, I realized this was a horrible idea. I looked around online and learned that you have to have the special lens case for this stuff. I immediately rinsed my eye out with water and used some visine later on.

This was yesterday evening. Today my eye feels a LOT better (a little itchy, but nothing bad at all.) It's still kind of red, but that's also getting better.My only question is that is this all okay? Will my eye just kind of fix itself or do I need to go into the eye doctor? It seems to be getting better, but I just wanted to make sure.

Also, I know this was really dumb so don't just answer the question in order to tell me that. I feel like Ross on the episode of Friends where he finds out that condoms are only 97% effective and he's like "Well they should put that on the box!" and then when they tell them that they do, he says "Well they should put it in big bold letters!!" Apparently it warns you on the top of this contact solution, but I feel like the entire bottle should be one giant warning label! haha, I can't be the only one this has happened to.
>>> Got clear care contact stuff in my eye?