Wednesday, August 22, 2012

How to put contact lenses in without eyes being so sensitive?

Today I had a contact lens appointment as I really hate glasses and want contacts. But, it was bad. I managed just about to put ONE lens in but i couldn't put the other in. I was there for almost 2 hours.

My problem is the blinking and when I feel the contact in my eye, I just have to blink so then it falls out. Also, I find it really hard to lift up my top eyelid, i can't grab it from the waterline.its too sensitive and basically flutters like mad. I know that if I got one contact in, I should be able to get the other in but I couldn't. I understand the technique.putting it on the white part etc but my eye starts watering and it's so frustrating! Taking the contact out is another matter, after a couple of minutes I managed to get it out.

I've watched videos (they make it look easier than it is as i found out today) and many people have said it takes a couple of appointments but you eventually adjust, well the opticians basically said "we'll give you another half and hour appointment tommorrow but after that if you can't do it, there's no point."

*sigh* I really wanted them before I go back to school!
>>> How to put contact lenses in without eyes being so sensitive?