Thursday, August 23, 2012

How bad does my eyesight sound to you?

Ok so im nearsightedness but if im reading a book or texting on my phone i can only see the print 6 inches away from my face "i know terrible i dunno how my eyes got this way!" any further than that i cannot see the print its blurry

My nearsightedness began when i was 12 but it wasnt that bad but i got glasses anyway i was told to wear them for seeing the blackboard in school and for watching the tv, but stupid me i didnt listen and never wore them, is this the reason why they have gotten ALOT worse?

Im now 20 and have glasses and now im wearing them all the time when im indoors, i havent taken an eye test in 2 years and i need one because i want to get contact lenses but dont know how to make an appointment and dont know what to say … Would you consider my vision half blind?
>>> How bad does my eyesight sound to you?