Sunday, February 10, 2013

How to get my 2 year old to wear his glasses?

My youngest son (of 3 boys) has recently been prescribed glasses. Awhile back we noticed that his left seemed to turn in more.It's not really really bad, and sometimes you can't even notice it, but better safe than sorry right? The pedi.eye doctor we saw said that we'll try the glasses.In some cases, a child wears the glasses for awhile, it gets corrected and then he/she doesn't have to anymore. If the glasses don't work - minor surgery, so I'd REALLY like this to work.

Only problem is: My son is not at all interested! We paid more to get the special toddler glasses frames - with the strap that goes around the head. We also paid more to get lenses that are shatter proof, scratch proof, etc. He will wear them for maybe two minutes, then pull them off and gets mad and pulls away and fusses if we try to put them back on.

Any suggestions would be REALLY appreciated. The eye doctor did say to do it gradually, but right now it seems like we're making no progress =(
Added (1). We've tried making it fun: When he has them on we clap our hands and say "good boy". His brothers have googles they use in the summer for swimming… they've been wearing those in the house trying to get him to put his glasses on.My mom even made "glasses" to put on his favorite teddy bear. I'm hoping eventually this will get better, but really want to get him to wear them soon.
Added (2). We've tried making it fun: When he has them on we clap our hands and say "good boy". His brothers have googles they use in the summer for swimming… they've been wearing those in the house trying to get him to put his glasses on.My mom even made "glasses" to put on his favorite teddy bear. I'm hoping eventually this will get better, but really want to get him to wear them soon.
>>> How to get my 2 year old to wear his glasses?