Monday, February 11, 2013

Almost out of contact lenses and I've lost my glasses?

I'm quite worried. I have been off school for the last 2 weeks because of back pain and through that time I haven't worn any daily disposable contacts.So I thought I had some left. I have to go to school tomorrow but I've ran out. I cannot find my glasses anywhere and I can't really ask my mum to buy any more contacts (or glasses) because they cost like £30 a box. I don't know what to do, I feel guilty making my mum pay for new ones but I need them. And I don't know what I am going to do tomorrow. I could just try and wing-it. Listen to the teachers rather than read what is on the white boards, but what if they ask me any questions? I'm freaking out, I hate school as much as it is, and when I know the answer I am alright answering (only if a teacher picks on me. I could never raise my hand and voluntarily answer) but what if I can't see the question and I end up getting laughed at or something?

What should I do? D:
Added (1). I don't want to tell my mum because she already has so much to deal with - we can barley afford to pay bills and food, and she's just applied for benefits to help with the rent.My step-dad works nights and barley gets paid and my mum doesn't work as no where is hiring or want to hire her.My auntie had to pay for the last box and we usually get 2 boxes every 2 months, but I've been treating the last box like gold, only wearing them when I was at school, so that lasted a little longer than a month.
So, telling my mum would just burden her even more and I don't want that, since I'm such a difficult child already. :/
>>> Almost out of contact lenses and I've lost my glasses?