Friday, February 15, 2013

Procedures/treatment for severe hyperopia with astigmatism?

I've been seeing an ophthalmologist since the age of 4, and it's been quite frustrating at times. About a week ago the slight astigmatism in my right eye was finally accounted for in a new pair of glasses. I'm hoping my dominant left eye will balance with the right, putting less pressure on it to perform. Custom contacts should be arriving in the next few weeks, Acuvue oasys for the left eye and proclear for the right.

My question is, are there any procedures that could be significantly beneficial to my situation? Multiple ophthalmologists have informed me there's basically no hope surgically, and I'll be in contacts/glasses for the rest of my life. Glasses make my eyes look enormous so it's very embarrassing to wear them in public, and the new custom contacts correcting for astigmatism are not cheap by any means. One box of six lenses runs about $150.

My Rx:

OS: +7.50 D
OD: +8.50 D -1.00 at 110
BC: 8.8

Any advice or help regarding my situation at all would be appreciated!
>>> Procedures/treatment for severe hyperopia with astigmatism?