Friday, January 11, 2013

Why are a lot of girls considered fake because of how they look?

This has never happened to me or anyone I know but its on the internet A LOT.

I myself wear both circle lenses and makeup, and a lot of people would consider wearing either of those fake. I think it's really just my personal preference and if you don't like it, its your opinion, and I'm chill about it unless you're rudely in my face telling me I'm fake. I don't act superficial or like something I'm not.

I don't understand how its fake to wear or look the way you want to look. Like I REALLY want someone to explain this to me. Yeah some chicks have fake boobs, fake hair, and stuff but its usually because they were self-concious or didn't like what the had already so its sorta understandable.

Most people's definition of fake is:
"If you aren't born like that, you're automatically fake" … Um no.No one is born with clothes, and yet we wear and change them everyday and they may/may not change the way our bodies THAT fake? Cause that would make almost everybody fake, excluding nudists and some poor people who can't wear clothes.

My definition of fake? A person who doesn't act or show their true self, or changes how the really are around people often so they are accepted or highly thought of.

There's a girl called Dakota Rose, and people say she is sooo pretty, and I thought so too, until I found out she's actually racist, homophobic, a liar, photoshops(and says she doesn't o.o) and pretends as though she's nice and sweet so people like her,

If someone called someone like that fake, i dont' blame them. Can someone help me out and explain why nice people who dress nicely or happen to look really pretty are called fake for expressing and showing their own style or tastes? (sorry this is long btw T. T im a total dork)
>>> Why are a lot of girls considered fake because of how they look?