Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Coopervision Contact Lenses: Biofinity or Proclear?

Hey guys!

Currently, I am on trial with Coopervision Biofinity Monthly lenses. But these lenses are slighlty more expensive than the Coopervision Proclear Lenses! (and the expense of the contacts is top priority for me when it comes to choosing which lenses since I know they can get very expensive, even a few dollars makes a difference for the whole year!)

By the way if you have no idea about these lenses here are the descriptions straight from the Coopervision website:
Premium contact lenses. Luxurious extended-wear comfort.

You need your nearsighted or farsighted vision corrected. You also demand contacts with comfort that lasts all day, from your first morning cup to going out with friends until midnight.

Meet Biofinity®, the silicone hydrogel contact lenses that won't slow down your busy days.

Biofinity lenses offer you the premium level of comfort that you're searching for. You're free to wear them for up to 7 days in a row.

Their soft, flexible lenses allow plenty of oxygen to pass through to your eyes, and the natural wettability won't rinse off, thanks to our Aquaform® Technology. You'll enjoy comfortable, excellent vision as well as a healthier lens-wearing experience.

Don't settle for just contacts, demand Biofinity comfort. Ask your eye doctor about Biofinity contact lenses (pronounced Bi-OH-fin-itee).

Monthly contacts for nearsightedness or farsightedness

When it comes to correcting blurry nearsighted or farsighted vision, all contact lenses are the same, right? Not so!

Unlike some lenses that may have your eyes feeling itchy and dry after you've worn contacts for only a short time, Proclear® sphere contacts go the distance—helping the lenses stay moist and comfortable.

This exceptional level of comfort in Proclear sphere is made possible by PC Technology™, which imitates substances found naturally on the outside of every cell—including those in the human eye. These molecules attract and surround themselves with water, keeping Proclear sphere contacts moist and comfortable throughout your day.

Ask your eye doctor about Proclear sphere contact lenses (pronounced "Pro-kleer sfear").

I've read the description for both lenses on the Coopervision website and it seems that apparently the Biofinity lenses allow more oxygen to pass through and that you're allowed to wear them for 7 days straight! (Something that my optometrist didn't inform me about O. o ) but I am quite sure that the water content for the Biofinity is much lower than the CooperVision Proclear. The Biofinity is also made out of silicone hydrogel(what effect does this have?), but I'm not too sure about what the Proclear is made of?

Well, so before the optometrist gave me these Biofinity trials, he gave me the Air Optix lenses, which made my eyes get dry quite fast. He said that apparently the Biofinity lenses allow my eyes to stay moist and comfortable, but it doesn't make sense because the Proclear has very high water content! (more than 60% )
I wouldn't need to make a fuss because I love the Biofinity lenses since they are much more comfortable than the Air Optix Aqua for my eyes, however the Proclear is much more cheap and my mum is only willing to get me Proclear if I'm going to change to contacts permanently! ><

So my question is: Will it make much of a difference if once the trial is over, I decided to buy the Coopervision Proclears instead of the Biofinity? Would my eyes feel more comfortable with them or what would be the effect? Or should I just ask my optometrist for a monthly trial of the Proclear before buying them? (this is obviously the wisest option but the thing is the Biofinity are my 2nd lot of monthly trials and I think my optometrist will be quite peeved if I continue to ask for trials of different lenses!!)
I was also wondering, why would it make such a big difference anyway since they're both from the same manufacturer and one ca expect similar properties for both lenses right?
I know a few:
Specsavers shop online (my current optometrist by the way)
>>> Coopervision Contact Lenses: Biofinity or Proclear?