Saturday, December 1, 2012

Contacts are really hard to get out!

Hey, guys! I just got contacts two days ago, and as you're thinking, "Oh course you're going to have trouble at first!" Well, when I was at the optometrist they told me to try to put them in and I did it fairly quickly with not much trouble, then about 30 mins later they told me to take them out and it was SUPER EASY. I put them back in pretty quick, then left.
When I tried taking them out at home, it was extremely difficult and took about an hour to get them both out of my eyes for the day. They were in there for about… 3 hours, I'd say?
Then yesterday right after school at about 4 I put them in which took about 25 minutes (I also had makeup on, making it a bit harder) then at about 1 AM I grew tired and decided to take them out for bed. I have a magnifying mirror and a chair I sat at for about 45 minutes and I couldn't get them out and grew extremely angry and upset, so I took a break and relaxed to calm myself down. Afterward, I tried again after putting a little bit of Opti-Free in my eyes which didn't help. After about 15 more minutes my brother cleaned his hands really good and tried getting them out gently, and he couldn't get them out either. Then he put a drop of Opti-Free in my eye and after 5 minutes the right side contact came out, but the left one wouldn't budge. We put 2 drops of Opti-Free in it and it just irritated my eye and made it slightly red. We put a little bit of Bio-True in the eye and the irritation went down and about 20 minutes later he got it out, we put the lenses in the Opti-Free solution in the case because Bio-True isn't a cleanser, it's just lubricant eye drops my optometrist gave me. I haven't put them in yet today, but I was wondering if I could have tips on getting them out?
Also, I have A. Oasis soft lenses if that helps. I'm kind of squeamish and touching my eyes doesn't help.e. e
Thanks guys for your answers in advanced!
>>> Contacts are really hard to get out!