Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Colored contact sellers from out side the country not requiring perscription?

So i found this website for a seller of colored contacts in the UK. The website doesn't require submission of a prescription and does ship to the US.Is this legal? Should i trust the buyer?
Website: http://www.coloured-contacts-hut.com/
I contacted them via email asking if they sell to the US and how to submit my prescription and this was there reply: HI,

Thank you for your email.

Yes, we do ship lenses to US. You don't need to provide us prescription or Doctor name. Just go online, select the lenses you are looking for, add in to basket and pay online. We will ship them out within 24 hours time.

Any question please don't hesitate to contact us.

Kind Regards

Coloured Contacts Hut
I am very skeptical about trusting them as I am not familiar on the subject
Added (1). Im talking about non prescription lenses.
>>> Colored contact sellers from out side the country not requiring perscription?