Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Why would contact lenses smell?

I rarely wear contact lenses (only during some special occasion, say once or twice a month), but I found out that my contact lenses/ case smell very badly every-time when I open the box.It never happened before. I tried everything: put the case in hot water (clean it really thruly), switch new contact len boxes, new contact lenses (mine are disposable), new solution, clean before and after wearing lenses, change solution even when I don't use them, store the lenses/ solution in a cooler location. I can still smell this strong alcohol/ plastic every single time.Is this normal (but I never smell this for my past 10 years of wearing contact lenses)? If not, What did I do wrong? I use Alcon Opt free solution.
Added (1). My eyes felt pain when I put on the lenses (even I cleaned them). I have to clean the lenses, change the solution, and soak it for couple of hours before wearing.
>>> Why would contact lenses smell?