Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Headache and weird vision?

2 or 3 weeks ago, I woke up and felt a kind of pressure like in my right ear/jaw area, and a bit on my temple.It was a reallllllllly light pressure, but i could just feel something.i ignored it. The day before this happened, my throat was tingly, like I was getting a cold.anyways until now I still feel light pressure, except i get random headaches that last 30mins.on the right side of my head, mainly in the temple and forehead area.It's not a painful headache, it's just quite annoying. I also get a bit dizzy, but VERY RARELY, just randomly and it last a few seconds.
And just this week the eyesight in my right eye has gone worse, I randomly get sensitive to light, and have this weird shade/shape on my eye. I naturally have TERRIBLE eyesight and wear contact lenses.
I'm CONSTANTLY on my laptop, in bed or on a chair slouching.so my posture isn't excellent.
A week and a half ago.my right eye felt irritated, but I ignored it.and when i took my lenses out, I realised the right lense was split in half… lol so maybe that could be something.
Also my wisdom teeth are coming out. 2 on my right side.

I'm quite worried what this headache/vision thing is.if someone could help thanks!
>>> Headache and weird vision?