Friday, August 31, 2012

I have a costume dilemma?

I make my Halloween costumes every year, but this year I am kind of stuck. I have a couple of peices I would like to incorporate but I don't know into what. The more creative the better. :)
The items I have are interesting blue contact lenses, and steampunk goggles (the really decked out kind)
Now I know the obvious answer is to be a steampunk person but I don't want to have to explain what steampunk is to every person who asks in my school: P so please say something else, I know you guys will really have to use your brains here but I would prefer creative and explainable in one word like everyone else's costumes ex. 'cowboy' 'vampire' 'wizard' one simple word like that please :)
>>> I have a costume dilemma?