Monday, August 27, 2012

Dry Eyes = Change Contact Lenses? or Solution? or Anything else?

About two months ago, my eye started getting burning when i put in my contacts (Biomedics 55), so i stopped for about two weeks thinking that it would go away, but it didnt so i mistakenly used red eye drops because I saw red lines and thought it was blood vessels. Upon having no progress with the comfort, I went to my eye doctor and he said I had dry eyes and gave me a different solution to try (BioTrue). I started using it, but no progress as well so I just stopped wearing contacts for 2 weeks and den started using dry eye drops 2-3 weeks ago, which relieved my eye irritation, however the red lines were still presistent and when I put in my contact lenses (Biomedics 55 Premier) last week dey would burn initially and when i took them out 8 hours later, the red lines were like everywhere and my eyes were burning and irritated, so I stopped. I'm currently still using dry eye drops and I recently bought a Saline rinsing solution that I havent used yet. I was wondering if I should change to Proclear, Acuvue Oasys, AirOptix Aqua, etc., or if it is the solution or anything else that would help allow me to wear contacts with comfort again!
>>> Dry Eyes = Change Contact Lenses? or Solution? or Anything else?