Sunday, May 26, 2013

How much can vision improve without any kind of surgery/exercise?


A few months ago, I started eye exercises to improve my vision. I decided that I had done enough research and believed in improving one's eyesight by doing certain exercises and relaxation techniques.

Last week, I went to the optician to gets my eyes checked. Lo and behold, from a RE3.50 LE 5.00 power, my eyesight improved to RE3.00 LE4.25. I confessed to my optician about the exercises - knowing that most in the industry do not believe in it. She did not show any positive emotions - which disappointted me. She simply said it could be that I was haivng a great day, slept early the night before, etc. And, she said the last time I had my eyes checked, which gave me 350 and 500, I was probably having a bad day - studying very hard, sleeping late, squinting before getting checked
In other words, my optician was skeptical. Now, my question to you all is this: how much can the power of the eyes deviate in a day or a period of a few days? My LE decreased by 75 degrees.Is it possible that vision can deviate so much just because a person sleeps early, goes to the beach all day long and then gets his eyes checked? I want to know if the eye exercises have been helping or is it really just relaxation that tricked me?

To add on: When I was prescribed 350 and 500, somehow, my glasses had 300 and 375 lenses.So, please do not think I am lying about the figures.

См. статью: How much can vision improve without any kind of surgery/exercise?