Wednesday, February 20, 2013

What solution is best for circle lenses?

So i live in Leeds, its a boring place that only sells english stuff, so the shops arent really stocked on circle lens solution. But it has a lot of soft lens solution, but the last one i got didnt work very well.
I got easyvision multipurpose solution, i dont think it was for soft lenses, and it made my eyes burnn when i put in the lenses.So i decided to go with a different solution and if it doesnt work im assuming its the lenses and im throwing them out.
Now i have complete revita lens for silicone hydrogel and soft contact lenses - dual action formula.
Would this work better? Is there any specific reason the other solution didnt work?
Would this solution work ?
Added (1). Circle lenses are a contact lens that are bigger than the normal contact lenses, giving the illusion of bigger and doll like eyes
>>> What solution is best for circle lenses?