Friday, February 22, 2013

Do contact lenses get more comfortable over time? - 1

A few years ago I gave up wearing contacts after trying Soflens 38, Acuvue Advanced and AirOptix (not sure which one, but wasn't night and day). All were uncomfortable - in fact they were impossible to use and tolerate.

Recently I decided to give them another try because I hate wearing glasses all the time (they just don't fit my face, even others say that). When I saw the optometrist, we tried Acuvue Oasys, Acuvue Oasys for Astigmatism and Biofinity. They were all uncomfortable, but the Biofinity one was better than the rest.So took a pair to try for a week and go back to have my eyes checked after that. He also told me that we didn't have many choices because of my big and flat cornea. This wan't the first time I heard this from an optometrist.
Since these are not very comfortable either, I was wondering whether it could get better within a week or so. The optometrist thought contact lenses might just not work for me. We're going to try one-day lenses if these don't work. But I like Biofinity because I can nap in them occasionally (with my situation I don't think extended wear is a choice)

P.S. unlike Acuvue Advanced and Soflens, my eyes don't get red in these lenses. But they feel very dry and tired and that starts almost immediately after I wear them.It keeps getting worse after that.
Added (1). Apparently with my cornea shape there aren't any choices left (except daily ones)
>>> Do contact lenses get more comfortable over time? - 1