Monday, February 18, 2013

How to know if you need reading glasses?

Lately I've been having problems and difficulty trying to read and take notes. I think that I need reading glasses or maybe bifocals. I've been taking notes on huge pieces of paper, squinting, moving things away from me when trying to read them, and I sit as close to the board in class that I can. I already wear glasses for myopia (distance) my prescription is -5.25 and -5.00 with 30 prism BO (base out). I'm nearsighted in one eye and farsighted in the other with astigmatism. Having prismatic glasses with prisms in my lenses means that I have double vision without my glasses.My vision is myopia strabismus esophoria.It is NOT esotropia my eyes are not stuck. There is nothing wrong with my health it is just how my eyes were formed and I have a muscle problem. I am also a college student. Please do not recommend me to have Lasik or any surgeries done. The reason for that is because I actually love my glasses, they are apart of me, many people still need glasses and prisms even after surgery, I don't like the idea of something going into or poking in my eye, and also I disagree with it. I will not have any Lasik or surgeries done. However, I can't read and take notes well with my glasses and when I take them off I can't see anything. Without my glasses, I have to hold something an inch in front of my face to see it and with my glasses to read I hold things back away from me.My appointment with my ophthalmologist is a month away. I have no problems at all with m glasses that I have, they're great and I see perfectly out of them; it's now just reading and taking notes that is the hassle. How do you know if you need reading glasses and what are the signs? Should I get a pair of reading glasses or maybe bifocals? Please give me some suggestions, advice, your opinions, and how do you know if you need reading glasses. (Also for me to type this I have my computer very zoomed in with super huge font.)
>>> How to know if you need reading glasses?