Sunday, January 27, 2013

I'm pretty sure my eyeglass prescription is wrong or something is wrong with my lens?

I didn't notice until now, a few weeks after I got my new lenses but my right eye is seeing notably worse than my left, sitting at my couch playing Xbox, I'm actually having trouble reading some things but my left is nice and sharp… Will they find the source of the problem and fix it for free? I've already had 3 replacements done on my left. Messed one up pretty bad, payed 50 bucks to get a new one and it had hundreds of scratches in a ring… And then they gave me a replacement for that and it had the same problem, and the lens I have now on my left is okay but there are still a few light scratches I didn't bother to complain about. Anyway, I'm afraid they'll lose their pacience with me so should I incist that it be free if the resist?
Added (1). My right eye doesn't seem to be strained. I try's on a 4 year old pair and found that although they were blurry, both lenses were equal in clarity.
>>> I'm pretty sure my eyeglass prescription is wrong or something is wrong with my lens?