Wednesday, January 30, 2013

My contact lenses are dry/irritating?

I am 15. I have worn contacts on and off for 4 years and have been to see 2 different eye doctors over 10 times.In this time I have worn Focus Dalies, Aqua Comfort Plus Dalies, Coopervision Biofinity, Coopervision Proclear, Acuvue Oasys, Acuvue Moist, and Acuvue TruEye (plus some others I am probably forgetting), along with about 5 different brands of saline solution. The reason I have had so many different contacts is because my eyes always feel dry/uncomfortable when I wear them.Re-wetting drops work for about five minutes, but then the discomfort is even worse.It's not a burning or itching sensation, but I always know that the contacts are there and it makes me want to blink a lot or shut my eyes to try and get some relief, but that doesn't help.My eyes don't get red, but it's just always feeling them in my eyes gets irritating, and when I walk down the hallways at school, that small amount of air moving past my face makes me have to look down at my feet as I walk, otherwise I'd have to walk with my eyes closed. I can't keep my eyes open without blinking for more than 2 seconds with contacts in. This isn't some progressive discomfort that only occurs later in the day, I feel my contacts from the second I put them in, and all the 7+ contacts that I have tried over the years made me feel like that. I see fine with them, and I need them to see because the power of my contacts are -1.75 in both eyes, but they bug me so much. Does anyone know what is wrong? I currently wear Acuvue Oasys (the contacts I feel are the most comfortable out of the ones I have tried, but I still don't find them very comfortable) and I use Biotrue saline solution. I know how to clean my contacts, there are no rips in the lenses, no particles, and they are not inside out. This past summer I did the punctal occlusion procedure, even though my doctor says I don't have dry eyes, and my eyes are fine when I don't wear contacts. I have glasses but I can't wear them for sports, which I do all year, so that's not an option.

So basically, I have tried a ton of different brands, lenses, lens materials, and saline solutions, but nothing seems to work. I don't have dry eyes. I just want to be able to wear them and feel like there isn't something constantly touching my eye. When I talk to my friends that have contacts they are always like "I don't even feel mine at all, it's like they're not even there." Is that how it's supposed to be? Are they supposed to be made so that they aren't noticeable? Does anyone know why I'm having such bad luck with these things? The reason for all of this is because I am taking drivers ed and I needed to start wearing corrective lenses again.

I know that was long, but thanks for taking the time to help me out.
Added (1). They fit fine, the problem isn't the size or shape of the lenses. All contacts that I have tried were given to me by my doctor.
>>> My contact lenses are dry/irritating?