Monday, January 28, 2013

Glasses that are only half-prescription for convergence insufficiency?

On Monday I'm going to an eye doctor to get officially tested/ get a prescription for prism lenses, but my general doctor is 99% sure that I have convergence insufficiency. But, I have 20/10 vision (my eyes may not be the best at tracking, but I have ridiculously good vision). I read somewhere online that instead of putting prisms in reading glasses that you take on and off, they can also make the glasses like bifocals, with the top half being clear glass and the bottom being prisms. Now I can't find where I read it or any other information.So, is there any truth to that? I know it would certainly make school easier if I didn't have to take them on and off constantly!

Thanks a ton!
>>> Glasses that are only half-prescription for convergence insufficiency?