Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Contact lenses after swimming?

I'm having a swim unit in school this week but I CANNOT see without my glasses or contacts.My vision is extremely blurry, so I always have my glasses or contact lenses in. The only time I take either of them off is when I sleep. Since my glasses are broken right now & I won't be able to get them fixed this week, I'm not really sure what to do.
I just know that I DO NOT want to risk wearing contact lenses while swimming. I also won't have goggles. If the water gets into my eye while I swim (not wearing contacts during the time), would it still be okay for me to put my contact lenses in right AFTER swimming? I always make sure my hands/contacts are clean & everything so no need to worry about that. I'm just worried about the water from the pool getting into my eyes & putting in my lenses right after. I just wanna make sure I don't get an eye infection or anything, thanks.
>>> Contact lenses after swimming?