Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Dry eyes from new contacts, normal or try a new brand?

I got prescribed contacts last week because glasses are not practical for me.
The optometrist gave me Air Optix Aqua soft lenses and I have been wearing them since last Thursday. I find these contacts very uncomfortable because I think my eyes are too dry with them on. I have used both Blink and Visine for contact lenses and they help for only a short period (10-20 minutes).Is it normal to experience dry eyes when starting out with contacts (these are my first pair ever)? Or should I try a different brand, is so which do you reccomend? Also I suffer from dust allergies so I think my eyes may be dryer than usual because they get itchy from time to time. Any help would be hugely appreciated.
>>> Dry eyes from new contacts, normal or try a new brand?