Thursday, November 1, 2012

Can you get colored, prescribed, eye enlarging contact lenses?

Hello, everyone. ^u^
Just here to ask a quick question!
Alright, I've wore glasses for about 8 years now, I'd say, and I'm thinking about getting contacts, however, if I did do something like that, I'd want to get colored (purple in particular) ones that also make your eyes a bit larger. (Please, as I ask in the nicest of ways, and I do appreciate your input, do not tell me not to get colored lenses or larger lenses. Thank you so much, once again, I hope I didn't come off as mean. ;n; I do apologize if I did. ;n; )
The only thing I'm not sure about is if you can do all of that whilst having prescribed lenses!
Glasses seem to get in my way of quite a bit of the things I enjoy, and as I can see alright without them, I do not want my vision to become worse and if I don't wear them it makes my eyes feel strained.
Thank you all for reading, and sorry if it was long! :s
~Chloe ^u^
>>> Can you get colored, prescribed, eye enlarging contact lenses?