Saturday, November 3, 2012

Trouble with wearing glasses/ contact lenses?

I get really bad migraines and it turns out that I needed glasses. I only have a prescription in one eye (-1.50). When I put my glasses on, I seem to get a headache when I take them off, I can feel where my glasses were on my head. Also, when I put contacts in I seem to get a really bad migraine as well.So, I get a headache with glasses on, with contacts in, or with nothing. I have confirmed with a neurologist and a rhumetologist that there is no problems other than my eyes (MRI and CT done). the only thing I can think of is that for some reason my eyes do not like having contacts in them, does that make any sense? Is there something wrong with the lense I'm using? It seems really comfortable and fits well so I'm not sure what else it could be. I was looking into those contacts that you can put in over night and not have to wear anything the next day. Given my situation, I feel like this would be a good solution. Does anyone have any advice for me? I'm really frustrated with this situation, it is affecting my performance at my job and at school, and plus headaches in general shouldn't be constant. I'm not sure what to do about my situation and was wondering if anyone could offer some advice. Thank you
>>> Trouble with wearing glasses/ contact lenses?