Tuesday, October 30, 2012

How to let you mom get you circle lenses?

For the past 2 years I've been wanting circle lenses. I'm 15 and 2 of my good friends have some. I have had colored lenses that i got from my eye doctor but I want to advance into circle lenses for the "Dolly" like eyes ^3^.. .. But when I ask my mom she says "I'm not getting anything thats out of the country! You have 2 eyes and you'll lose them if you buy them"! It makes me sad when she says that cause I've been wearing lenses (not circle) for 2 years and I know how to take care of them! And I also know not to wear them for LOONNG periods of time. How do I get her to change her mind: S ~ Tori. .. .. .Also both of my friends got there lenses from Pinkyparadise.com and there is soooo many raving reviews on there lenses but my mother still doesn't let me get them :[. . .
>>> How to let you mom get you circle lenses?