Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Why do my contact lenses feel uncomfortable? Is it an eye infection?

Hello! I've been wearing contact lenses for over a year now and for the past two weeks, they've been feeling really uncomfortable. When I put them on in the morning, it feels fine but later in the day, it starts to blur and itch. I don't wear any make up so that is not the issue. But I do have some allergy problems.
When it starts to blur, the contact lens moves up whenever I blink. Even if I grab a new pair in the morning it does the same thing later in the day.
At night, when I take the contacts off, I scrub and put them back. And when I blink, it feels as if there are tiny bumps in my upper eyelid. And then in the morning right when I wake up, my eyes will be crusted shut but the bumps are gone? Whats going on? Any treatments or home remedies? And if its a stye then why is it gone in the morning but shows at night?
Anything will help! Thanks!
Added (1). I forgot to mention that I have a really dark red spot in my left lid. Its in the lower inner corner of my eye. It doesn't bother me at all but I was wondering what it was?

Read more: Why do my contact lenses feel uncomfortable? Is it an eye infection?