Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Getting contact lenses! Help?

I'm going to get contacts soon but really scared. I live far away from the eye doctor.
So I have a few question about contact lenses before getting them.

Can the eye doctor ship me more contact lenses when I run out or do I have to come back every time when I run out?

Why are there 6 lenses in a month worth of contact? I thought they just give you one pair and you wear it for the whole month?

Can you buy like 12 boxes of contact at once or do you have to buy one box every month?

If I want to buy my contacts online, what do I ask my eye doctor and what do I need to do to buy my contacts online?

How much does your contact lenses cost you each year?

Thanks for answering my question!

Read more: Getting contact lenses! Help?