Friday, February 14, 2014

Why do people care so much that people wear make up?

WHY do people make such a fuss if somebody wears make up? Or coloured contacts? Or hair extensions? Or anything like that?

Why is it such a big deal to some people? Today I was on the bus, I overheard (was eavesdroping) two girls' conversation about another girl… "Look how much make up she wears! Gross! Her hair isn't even real! My hair is! Ha, I don't need that much make up", blah blah blah. What did they want? A medal for having naturally long hair? It's pathetic. Some people need make up or hair extensions to make themselves feel confident within, right? What's the problem with that? Why does it matter to people so much if someone always wears make up, or if someone has hair extensions, or wear contact lenses? It's so stupid.

Truthfully - some people aren't "naturally" beautiful. I'm not. When I take off my make up, I think I look awful. When I have it on, I have an ounce of confidence with how I look. There are some girls (and boys) who have naturally clear skin and prominent feautures, long eyelashes and what not. All girls I meet feel the need to ask: "Is that your real hair?", why does it matter if it wasn't?

I wish people would mind their own business and stop trying to call on other people because they aren't as "natuarally flawless" as them. Right?

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