Tuesday, February 11, 2014


I have contacts that are semi-monthly, they're supposed to last 15 days. I've been wearing these same brand contacts for almost a decade (Acuvue Oasys, I have an astigmatism in one eye as well) and JUST these past few months, I've been having CRAZY problems with them.

I've gone through four pairs of contact lenses just in these past two weeks. What has been happening is almost as soon as I start wearing them, they get dirty. Big, cloudy, filmy, foggy spots appear and I literally can't see at all except for the general shape of things.

I just walked down the street while they were acting up and I swear it felt like the most dangerous excursion of my life. I really need to fix this!

I've been following guidelines to a T, I clean them with solution given to me by my optometrist, rinse them with solution before putting them in the case (which I keep clean and switch out on a regular basis!), and NEVER wear them to sleep.
The best results I've gotten so far is the lenses maybe staying clean for a few hours before they start getting ridiculously dirty every five seconds again. After a few hours of cleanliness in the morning after they've sat overnight, they start to be dirty, I'll get them clean but as soon as I pop them back in my eye they're dirty again.

Please help!
Added (1). EDIT! The reason why I've gone through 4 pairs is because after a few days, they get to the point where they won't stay clean for longer than a few seconds, ever, and they'll actually HURT my eyes just to wear! That's when I have to pitch them.